Indo-Pak Partition Agony

Post-Brexit Europe

The historic deal signed   between the British P.M. Boris Johnson and the midst of newly dreaded corona virus, strain which segregated Britain’s border from rest of the world ,will have deeper geo-political  impact. The lead role played by Britain’s P.M .Boris Johnson’ successful signing of the Brexit Accord sounds enough to prove his political will power and iron determination . The world has been long back witnessing   a great political tide in the political systems of  both U.K and the E.U. groups .P.M. Johnson became so much enthusiastic and over glad that he  spontaneously had to express his long cherished desire ‘’The deal is done’’.

The deal is likely to be ratified between E.U .and U.K. before January 1,2021.once ratified by the  Britain’s and European Union  parliaments ,the agreement made will pave the way open for a smooth and unhindered trade of goods at  zero-tariffs and zero-quotas after U.K.’ separation   from European Union. But existing economic chaos and stumbling block in future business transaction has now been cleared.  Are Brexit turmoil is almost gone.

Although a broader range of items to be covered under the accord are yet to be determined according to time and circumstances, but they contain some basic common interest subjects of common interest subjects like civil nuclear energy, fishing and aviation. The trade and commercial activities across the English channel shall be continuing as usual. European Commission President Mrs. Ursula ven derLeyen , while playing an active role in the deal ,termed it as ``right and responsible thing to do for both sides’’. Europeans are upset to miss the Brexit once for ever ,but they seem to be  thankful to the British P.M. Boris Johnson for his pioneering leadership in  inculcating a rays of hope and positive optimism  to their brighter future.

The Brexit deal has opened the door open to the decision makers to think calmly to restructure their trade relation among various international actors for the common good of the humanity. In the fast changing geo-political environment, the Indo-U.K. relation must further be enriched by finding out  fresh avenues in the fields of  civil nuclear energy, transport, agriculture,  Industry,  information technology, pharmaceutical ,infrastructure development, S&T,  arts, culture and sports etc. Such a diversified agreements may be signed between both nations during Britain’s P.M. visit to India as a special guest at the Republic day Parade.  This of course may be mutually beneficial to the national interests of both India and the United Kingdom.

_Manoj Kumar Upadhyay
