Indo-Pak Partition Agony


Turkey ,one of the NATO allies has ma
de a deal with Russia  to purchase S 400s air defence system under the policy made by Turkish security  strategists .Turkish independent move has infuriated U.S.president   Donald Trump  to such an extent that he had to openly declare cessation of all American  financial economic aid to Turkey.. The reason behind U.S. anger is allegation against Turkey for drifting towards  Russia. Is this unipolar world system  charrcterised by monopolistic  capitalism not basrd upon inequality and discriminstion ? A sovereign nation state  reserves her right to make a special treaty for arms deal primarily based upon  her security reasons   provided it does't thresten the eorlf  peace and trsmanquility.Is a ban on trade relations guided by her genuine national interest not a violation of  United  Nations( U.N. )Chatter of self-determination of sovereign nations?    As the article 1 of U.N.charter declares all nations whether big or small to be equals.     
The maintenance of piece  security,territorial integrity and safeguarding the national interest are sacred duty of a nation. India,too,for the sake of her security reason has purchased S 400 missile system from Russia and sophisticated  helicopter from USA  solely driven by her security needs.Since the cold war politics till the New  international world order dominated by USA ,  India has has  been following  the basic foreign policy philosohy of non-alignment,,non- ineterference, panchseela and respecting the unity and integrity of all nations.
In the fast changing international scenario India as  a vast democracy and faster rising economy   has been persuading  the nation  state actors within and outside  U.N.O. to follow a path of Non-violence snd  non-aggression  to make thr world free  from nuclear weapons,arms race terrorism and war-like situation.Let us be optimistic that India's prime minister Mr.Modi's  successful diplomatic  manoeuvre different world fora will lead India towards her final foreign policy destination.

__Manoj Upadhyay
