Indo-Pak Partition Agony


Save South Asian region from the demon of corona virus which is getting stronger to annihilate the  entire human being of the globe. India through the forum of the South Asian Association  for Regional Co operation  (SAARC) has always been raising the voice of solidarity among its seven  the member  nations  to  jointly fight against  poverty  , economic backwardness, illiteracy, superstition,ill health, malnutrition and terrorism etc. Since its first conference held at  Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh in 1985. But owing to intransigent approach adopted by Pakistan ruling elites  all the SAARC  conferences held  so far  for the   sake   of tackling common  problems faced by the underdeveloped nations of the seven South Asian nations went  in vain.

The fast growing Corona virus which  doesn't discriminate between a developed and developing nation  has now turned  into a common enemy of  humanity..
              In the light of the grim situation the Indian P.M. Shri Narendra Modi  adopting a pragmatic foreign policy approach has politely appealed to the leadership of all the seven SAARC nations  to come together   through Video-conferencing  to   fight strategically against  their common enemy . The Governments of Sri Lanka,Nepal ,  Bangladesh ,Bhutan and Maldives have immediately given their consent  positively  and are ready to set up a common strategy to  combat this dreaded disease from their soil.We hope the P.M, s  of Pakistan , military elites , press ,public opinion ,interest  groups  ,opposition  parties and even fundamentalist groups by  shunning their hate -India campaign must once again think in a broader term   to save their citizens and humanity by reviving SAARC platform . In stead Sof using  SAARC  as a tool  of bilateral  dispute resolution,  Pak PM.  Mr. Imran Khan must respond positively to the appeal made to the leadership of SAARC nations to fight jointly  the demon of Corona virus  from the  land of South Asian nations.  After  all  the modern nation states   unlike the totalitarian states exist for the well being of  their people. 

_Manoj kumar Upadhyay
