Indo-Pak Partition Agony

Safeguarding North Indian Working Forces In Gujrat

The torture against North Indian particularly U.P, Bihar, Jharkhand working forces in Gujrat forcing them to leave the state is not only unfortunate but goes against the principle of unity and integrity and the very ancient Indian culture . The 29 states and 7 union territories of Indian union are like a human organism. If the part of the body is hurt, it adversely pains the mind. The people of U.P, Bihar and Jharkhand laborers have been migrated to the other parts of the states in search of employment.
Article 19 of the  fundamental Rights enshrined under the constitution of India  guarantees the citizen of India the right to freedom of Movement,settle and carry  profession within any part of Indian territory .If he is denied  his right ,the composite pluralist social and federal structure of India will be at  stake. This will in the long run be detrimental to the national unity and integrity of the nation.

                  The migration of the human Capital  from underdeveloped region of North Indian states towards developed states is not voluntarily but compulsive .Their only objective is only to  earn their livelihood  and lead a respectable life in the society. Their  contribution towards  the economic development of the developed regions are enormous.But in-spite  of their hard and sincere labor , they are treated as second class citizen of India and are vulnerable to violence,torture ,arson and different sorts of exploitation  even over petty pretext.The common people had nothing to do with  the recent rape incident ,but under the conspiracy were made victim of the biased analysis  of the vested interest of a few  .  A well settled life is  disturbed,  long-cherished dream unfulfilled,mutual faith shattered and lastly humanism  is alienated for ever .The holy land of Gandhi,Lord Krishna,Buddha ,and Mahavira  shall never allow this to happen .The neo-liberal phase of economic strategy of development  need  to be humanized  and socialized for sustainable  inclusive economic development.
                      Poverty created by low pace of industrialization,failure of Green Revolution and  low infrastructural development  etc. are some of the factors which are forcing the human capital to migrate to metropolitan cities The challenge before the decision makers for a balanced regional inclusive economic development. Bihar,Uttarpradesh, Jharkhand ,Madhya Pradesh ,Orissa and WestBengal lags far behind Human Development Index(HDI)  as compared to the other developed  Indian states .Bihar and Jharkhand are rich in agriculture,raw materials,mines , forest products, Medicinal plants but lacks skilled labour forces ,modern technologies and net-wok of processing and small scale Enterprises to harness and marketing the finished products .The process of Business Development Planning,their implementation and Monitoring by the Primary Agriculture Credit  Co-operative Societies spread at the remotest part of the country may help reducing rate of migration productive human resources by generating  employment opportunities  at the local level. 

- Manoj Kumar Upadhyay
