Indo-Pak Partition Agony

Startup company and Business Development Plan ( B.D.P.)

Startup company and Business Development Plan ( B.D.P.)

Gone are the days when our working forces were dependent upon either government services or public sector units or any big businesss establishment for their livelihood . The post-neo-economic development following globalization and free market economy, the Government of India like its counterparts modrn nation states embarked upon the policy of searching for new entrepreures as the agent of socio-economic transformation. In order to boost- up Indian economy and make it more and more competetive, various new initatine like Make -in India,Start up business ,ease of doing business etc.were launched focussing Indian skilled youths through skilled development programme as an active social agent of economic developmental forces. Today any ambitious pro -changers entreprenures with the financial support of the Govrnment and public equity share by moblising locally available natural resources and also by optimallly mobilizing the human resources may start their own enterprises without any government bottlenecks.

An entrprenures are those who have the capicity to take risks .He must have the courage and will power to invest his money in anew flourishing projects. In order to be successful a new startup must follow certain Business Development Plans (BDP) and managrial norms,.
First and formost any start -upin order to sustain in a highly competetive market scenario must be based on ethical norms along with socio-economic viability or expediecy of the project. The very genesis of the project must be based upon fulfilling social ethics,honesty and resposibility.
Second,Prior research of the market ought to be done objectively.Is the market vast enough for your product/?what share of the market your product has the capacity to capture?
Set your vision first.If you are are opting food processing as your start up career ,make sure that the product will never copromise on the health ground of the customer becaues the the healthy customers for the nation are more important than your profit.
Third, Describe the team`s expertise . Team members and startup management must be effective,highly enthusiasic, energetic and optimistic in achieving and fulfilling company`s as well as customers goal.
Fourth, let the customers know your products clearly. How does it sove their problems?What are the specil featues of your product?

Fifth, know your competitors first. How is your product quantitavely and qualititavely different from your competitor`s products? A Competition must be healthy one.Always modify the brand and quality of your products keeping in view the on-going changing demand of the customers or buyers.
Sixth, make a survey of your product on an utilitarian ground. Quantify the customers satisfaction and qualititative impact of your product on the social system as a whole. For that, determine your business model first.
Seven, Are you making daily review of your product?At what stage is your product right now?is it lagging behind your expectation? If yes, find out its solution through open and democratic discussion at management committee monthly meeting.
Eight, set your market entry strategy.Is the strategy traditional and modern one?The strategy at a remotest tribal market places (Haats ) automatically differs from a modern metropllitan city owing to the changing behavioural patterns. Try to make a synthsis between the two according to the time and circumstances.
Ninth, What is your budgeray allocation for different Activity Planning of your newly startup projects?are you fulfilling your targets within the fixed stipulated time within the allocated funds? Fund generation through internal and external sources should be your first priority to start business.
Tenth, is your company running properly? Acess your demand-Supply Gap? Is the company capable of meeting as-well as incresing more and more demands? This can only be possible through higher productivity by using sophisticated technology and existing technological upgradation.You may firmly stand in the free market competetive envirnment only if your start up company outputs are cost effective.The financial health of the company depends upon 100%meeting the denad and supply gap. Because ,if you are not capable to make a proper balance between demand and supply , the customer might move towards other company.
The above BDP principle must be followed by all newly starups compnies fot the sustainable development of the specific regions ,buyers and for ever sustainance of the company itself.

_Manoj Kumar Upadhyay
