Indo-Pak Partition Agony

INDO- UAE Relations: Towards a comprehensive foreign policy.

 In the post-90s era our late prime minister Narsimha Rao‘s visit towards Israel was warmly welcomed by our foreign policy analysts on the ground of India’s long disassociation from this nation of west Asia. However foreign policy makers in India have been generally avoiding the west-Asian nations although these nations hold a geostrategic and economic importance for India .Our Prime minister Shree Narendra Modi’s visit to the United Arab Emirates at the junctures of widening fundamentalism ,totalitarianism ,narrow nationalism, terror mixed religion regulated political system, and finally draconian dictates of the dreaded terrorist organizations like ISIS, Taliban ,Al-haram and others and their frequently movement and export by the militia-politico elites by a few nations might be interpreted in this very direction. If, in such an on-going world scenario India succeeds in winning the heart of Muslim dominated West Asian nations ,it will not only bring about economic prosperity in India through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)but most importantly will be a potent factor in drastically changing the rout of world foreign policy on a right tract.
One of the most remarkable factors of initiatives taken by our hon’ble prime Minister was towards secularization of foreign policy of nations in dealing with the foreign policy with other nations .The The mosque visit by P.M. Modi proved to be a major breakthrough in winning heart of the Muslim communities all over the world. Accent given by the prince of UAE for construction of a Hindu Temple in Abu- Dhabi will go on inspiring the common people bearing different faiths, a sense of universal brotherhood, tolerance, oneness, lessening religion-terrorism nexus by the state authorities and above all a world Humanism. Modi’s greatest diplomatic success will be alienating Pakistan from International comity within and outside UNO on the ground of abetting and spreading the seed of terrorism particularly in India.
India and UAE are the third biggest world partners. Nearly 26 lacs Indians reside there and send at least Rs.1300 crore every year to India .with the gradual downward crude oil prices ,Rs.1.0 lakh crore is needed to be invested for infrastructural development .But major hindrance on the path of sustainable economic growth has been Dowd Abrahim ,holder of unaccounted property and main accused in the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast killing at least nearly 300 people. Dowd business dominance is spread over Abu Dhabi and in some of the African countries. In order to sustain the illicit trade practices Dowd Abrahim has been adopting the tactics of `` Business of Terrorism ‘’ with the tactic support of Pakistan’s ruling classes, whose only purpose is to keep India down in the matters of security ,defence, territorial integrity and economy . Indo-UAE extradition treaty will help checking Dowd’s illegal trade activities and bringing back Dowd to net of Indian judiciary system for speedy trial for mass massacre in the Mumbai bomb blast. Relief from a violent laden and illicit tariff practices business environ will give further opportunities to business houses to invest their resources for a free in Kenya, Australia, Turkey and Dubai .
Impact on Indo-Pak relations
Indo-Pak relation has always been a subject to intense debate since their very existence till date and will as such in all the coming future.
The main contentious issues between the two nations have been over psychological, geographical (Kashmir), nuclear and historical more important instigating and abetting various terrorist groups to spread violence on Indian soil. .But the intransigence policies of Pakistan at SAARC level meeting or other international fora has further been bedeviling a cordial relation between the two. Indo-UAE rapprochements will help establishing a cordial relations among all the south Asian nations giving India a vital role to play in the field of energy, space, medicine, science &technology ,employment generation ,infrastructural development, housing, agriculture, ,environmental protection, and potable water, food security etc, telecommunications etc. India has taken an innovative initiative in launching SAARC satellite free of cost to all of these nations with the sole aim of proving services like education, entertainment, and health etc. Further initiatives taken for starting welfare measures in UAE like India community Welfare Funds (ICWF), opening of schools for Indian children, MADD portal, e-migrant portal and counselor camp got wider acclamation word over. A Interconnected south Asian region will not bring about only the avenues of inclusive development but also help in establishing a Peaceful International World Order (PIWO) .India’s new foreign policy is based on the presumption that ``A prosperous, peaceful, coordinated and integrated South Asia, South East Asia, and west Asian nation will change the power equation paving the way for vast marketing potentialities in these regions.
After , thorough analysis of the above factors ,it might be inferred that a pro-development lobby in Pakistan politics, likeminded public opinion and pressure groups would pressurize the civilian Government to take actions which could lead Pak to the path of peace, prosperity and development.
Second, USA has started making comments not to intervene in the Kashmir issue which is a subject of mutual discussion between India and Pakistan. Pakistan is also left with no legal or moral rights to raise Kashmir issue in the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATIONS (UNO),
third but not the least , the word body might pressurize Pakistan over its overt efforts to acquire nuclear bomb because if it would create problems of survival to the world community if the accidently fall in the hands of Taliban, ISIS or any other terrorist groups.
Fourth, The concept of ``Pak’s Islamic Nuclear bomb ‘’ raised by Pak’s ruling and military elites from time to time to take support from Muslim Nations in the name of Allah (religion) will no longer be exploited as all of these nations are now fed up with the war and bloodsheds.

Fifth , the Repatriation Treaty between India and UAE will help checking the activities of terrorists supported by Pakistan who have taken their shelter in Saudi Arabia and UAE after committing crime in India .
Sixth,Pak’ sudden attack killing at six villagers of Jammu and Kashmir by violating the cease fire agreement at the time of P.M. Modi’s visit to UAE has exposed the former’s ill intentions towards India. And a different kind of psychological pressure over Pakistan might be mounted to rethink and redesign their intransigence approach in executing foreign policy decisions with India.

Manoj Kumar Upadhyay
