Indo-Pak Partition Agony

Free market economy and capitalism


Free market economy is the latest post 90s version  of capitalism. The Capitalist ideology believes in mass production and consumption. The neo- liberal democracy characterize the human beings as the seeker of more and more powers and utilities. The Rising economic depression in almost all the European and other developed countries between 2008-10  brought a grim challenges before the capitalist society for its survival. giving rise to a new innovative idea of a free market competitive Society . This was a new developmental funda put forward by the capitalist ideology to be adopted on an universal basis by all the nations of the world big as well as small nations. Lenin in his book imperialism wrote that capitalism is the last phase of imperialism. "We have witness since 1990s that capitalist mode of production has engulfed each and every corner of the world irrespective of the political system .adoption of this method has now become a necessary evil for all Sovereign Nation States but the major contradiction of this system all over world. The free market economic system has created disequilibrium or white economic gap in the social system. Hence the concept of delivering Social political economic and legal quality have insubordinate to the minority elite class interest.
Where there are unfulfilled basic aspirations of common masses, where there is lop sided regional development, where the vulnerable section of society look for justice in the eyes of possessive individualist, the end of "ideology of history" can't cease, rather a new type of progressive ideology is likely to emerge on the world map.
